Mobivity Blog

What to Look for in a Text Message Marketing Program

Written by Jamie Turner | March 17, 2021

Okay, let’s start by stating the obvious. This is a blog post about how to analyze your options for a text message marketing platform. And the blog post is written by Mobivity -- an organization that has a vested interest in having you pick us as your text message marketing partner.

We get it. It’s highly suspect, right?

But hold on for a second and hear us out.

Our honest-to-goodness goal isn’t to have you blindly select Mobivity as your partner. After all, a partnership that isn’t a good match doesn’t benefit either one of us.

Instead, our goal is to see if what we offer matches up with what you’re looking for. If it does, terrific. And if it doesn’t, that’s okay, too because we’re not a perfect fit for all businesses (even though we are a perfect fit for most businesses).

At the end of this blog post, you’ll see a downloadable worksheet that will help you do your own analysis. The worksheet includes things like whether or not a platform has the ability to schedule broadcasts across different time zones or dayparts. Or whether the platform supports colorful imagery, GIFs, and video that can showcase your delicious menu items. Or even whether it can target subscribers by their favorite promotional offer or redemption daypart. Capabilities like this are important for restaurant and foodservice operators.

The bottom line is that you can use the worksheet as a guide to figure out what several of the top players in this industry have to offer.

But before you click to download the worksheet, check out the information below that should help you figure out how text message marketing can be used by your business to grow your sales.

How to Analyze a Text Messaging Platform

If you’re reading this, the odds are pretty good that you know a lot about how text message marketing can be used to nurture guests and get them to come back more frequently.

One thing you might not realize is that text message marketing isn’t designed to replace any of your other marketing channels or technologies. If you have an app, terrific. If you have a robust email marketing program, that’s great. And if you have a loyalty card program, that’s wonderful, too. Because adding a text message marketing program on top of those platforms has proven to actually make those platforms work better.

That’s right. SMS marketing isn’t here to replace all your other technologies. Instead, it’s here to work with your other technologies – and to do it seamlessly and almost effortlessly.

Why Restaurants are Embracing SMS

One of the best things about SMS is that pretty much everybody is set up to receive your messages because pretty much everybody has a mobile phone. (There’s a rumor that there’s a hermit living out west who doesn’t have a mobile phone, but the rumor hasn’t been verified.) With text messaging, open rates hover around 98% which is pretty good when you consider open rates for emails are just 20% and notifications for apps are just 5%.

But the really cool thing about our text message marketing is that you can analyze whether or not your specific offer, promotion, or campaign actually worked. No more educated guesses or fuzzy math. Instead, with Mobivity you have the ability to track and analyze whether or not the dollar you spent on the promotion generated three, four, or five dollars in return.

(By the way, your CFO will be very happy to hear that you can track your ROI down to specific campaigns. That’ll be music to their ears.)

There’s so much more you can do with the right mobile marketing program that we could go on for pages and pages about it. But rather than tie you up with tons of in-depth analyses and comparisons, why don’t you check things out for yourself?

Just download the guide below and use it to analyze all of the options you have when it comes to text message marketing platforms. We’ve designed it to give you a clear and honest snapshot of what the various platforms have to offer.

What we’ve found is that the competition is pretty good – they have some great bells and whistles. But that’s exactly why we’re constantly working to improve our already great platform – because our goal is to be the best text message marketing platform in the universe.

We know, it’s a lofty goal, but we’ve always believed in shooting for the stars.

Go ahead and download the worksheet. And then, of course, please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or would like to take a personalized tour of your own. We’re happy to help!