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Mobivity Introduces Contact Card to Text Message Marketing Solution

Mobivity Introduces Contact Card to Text Message Marketing Solution

As text message marketing becomes more popular with restaurants, retailers, and stores, your customers need a better way to find you within their messaging inbox. People barely remember the phone number of a loved one these days, so even if they subscribe to just a handful of text programs, how can you expect them to remember your shortcode?

That’s why Mobivity is happy to announce the release of our latest text program feature: SmartContact™.

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What is SmartContact?

SmartContact is the latest innovative solution that Mobivity has added to its platform. 

When a subscriber opts-in to your text club, they receive the SmartContact as an attachment to their program welcome message. They simply need to click on it and add you to their contacts to save your business’ contact information the moment they sign up. As part of the contact card, they will also have easy access to brand information like:

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  • Company Logo

  • Company Name

  • Company address

  • Link to a URL (website, online order page)

  • Phone number to call service or support

  • Link to download their app

  • Link to social media accounts



Why Include a SmartContact with Your Welcome Message?

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Once subscribers save your contact information, all the information within the card replaces the generic profile icon with your logo and your shortcode with your company name. For businesses, this is incredible brand awareness. Now, your brand can stand out amongst the other text message competitors sitting in your subscriber’s text inbox.

In addition to that, the contact card allows you to store all your information, providing customers and guests the instant ability to call, text, visit your website, order online, download your app, or follow your social media accounts.

Learn More

To learn more about the latest feature from Mobivity and how you can start using it in your text message campaigns, contact your customer support team. If you’re not a Mobivity client yet, learn more about Mobivity’s Unified Guest Engagement Platform and all its capabilities including the SmartContact card, get a demo today to see it in action.


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